Academy of Leadership
JROTC Leadership Pathway, Cadets are prepared for leadership roles while being made aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. This program provides instruction and opportunities to benefit students, community, and our nation. Through internships mentoring opportunities, students will explore their future role in the Human Services curriculum. The importance of community service in the fields of health, law, and social sciences is strongly emphasized.

Pathway: JROTC Leadership
Foundations: Army Leadership Education & Training I, II, III, & IV, Senior Project
CRI: JROTC National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) and CPR/First Aid
Army JROTC Leadership Education I: A one-credit course that provides first-year cadets with classroom and laboratory instruction in the history, customs, traditions, and purpose of Army JROTC. Emphasis is placed on leadership skills, principles, values and attributes, and diversity. (Tenth Grade Foundation Class)
Army JROTC Leadership Education II: A one-credit course designed to provide intermediate instruction in leadership and citizenry, and the expansion of skills taught in LET I. Emphasis is placed on communication techniques, cadet challenges, American citizenship, map reading, and the role of the U. S. Army.
Army JROTC Leadership Education III: A one-credit course designed to provide advanced instruction in leadership and citizenry, communication, history and career opportunities, and technology awareness. Students will have hands-on experiences as teacher/leaders within the cadet battalion.
Army JROTC Leadership Education IV: A one-credit course that provides opportunities for students to demonstrate leadership potential in an assigned command or staff position within the cadet battalion organizational structure. Emphasis is placed on negotiation skills and management principles.