Mattie T. Blount High School Counseling and Guidance Program
Blount High School Counseling Program Beliefs
v All students should have the opportunity to learn and have a high-quality education.
v All students should have access to a comprehensive school counseling program that meets individual student needs.
v All students should be given options for post-secondary opportunities in preparation for life after secondary education.
v School counselors work with students, families, teachers, administrators, other school staff and educational stakeholders to provide an effective, holistic and comprehensive school counseling program for all students.
Blount High School Counseling Program Vision Statement
The vision of Mattie T. Blount High School Counseling Program is that students are successful in a global society while achieving their complete academic, career, and social/emotional potential as 21st century citizens. Our students are productive citizens of society engaging in multiple pathways to success. As a result of high-quality education, our students are responsible, motivated and prepared to compete in a global society as leaders of an ever-changing world.
Blount High School Counseling Program Mission Statement
The mission of the Mattie T. Blount High School Counseling Program is to deliver a variety of learning experiences within a safe environment that is conducive to learning for all students. Students will receive comprehensive and developmentally age-appropriate counseling services that are equally accessible regardless of race, religion, and economic status in order to promote equity in student achievement. Students will focus on becoming globally competitive and graduating as prepared and productive members of society. Professional school counselors of Mattie T. Blount High School are leaders and advocates who will collaborate with administrators, teachers, parents, and community stakeholders to promote a holistic educational environment for the success of all students.
Community Resources
ACT Tutorial Assistance
ACT Test Info School Code: 012233
Counseling and Guidance Requests & Forms
- 9th Grade Course Selection - WebEx Presentation - May 2021
- 9th Grade Course Selections (Google Form) ***(For students currently enrolled in 8th grade)***
- BHS Schedule Change Request (Google Form)
- 10th Grade Course Selection - WebEx Presentation - April 2021
- 10th Grade Course Selections (Google Form) ***(For students currently enrolled in 9th grade)***
- 11th Grade Course Selections (Google Form) ***(For students currently enrolled in 10th grade)***
- 12th Grade Course Selections (Google Form) ***(For students currently enrolled in 11th grade)***
2020-2021 Needs Assessments
- BHS 9th Grade Student Needs Assessment (Google Form)
- BHS 9th Grade Student Needs Assessment (QR Code)
- BHS 10th Grade Student Needs Assessment (Google Form)
- BHS 10th Grade Student Needs Assessment (QR Code)
- BHS 11th Grade Student Needs Assessment (Google Form)
- BHS 12th Grade Student Needs Assessment (Google Form)